Friday, November 28, 2014

Mount Balusong, Falel, Kiamba Saranggani Province

Sunrise at Mount Balusong
I had the chance to join the 4th Eco Trek Event hosted by Team Bundol in Sitio Falel, Kiamba Saranggani Province. It was their 4th trekking activity for a cause. 

The event was supported by the Local Government Unit of Saranggani Province and participated by mountaineers from different places. I was totally amazed with scenery of SocSarGen. Since it was a long travel to Kiamba from General Santos City, my soul was fully loaded with beautiful landscapes. Indeed, it is a must visit SocSarGen.

Glad to meet good people who assisted Brynt and me in this journey. Thanks for cooking and providing us a nice camping place. 'Til next time ^_^.

Had a wonderful experience of tree planting along the trail and bringing school supplies to the kids in the mountain of Falel. River crossing, passing the hanging bridge, the uphill trail and the waterfalls made this event so unforgettable and of course the community we visited.

Sunset at Mount Balusong

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