Saturday, August 16, 2014

Caving Exploration in Kapalong Davao del Norte

Alina Cave
The glory of joining any mountaineering event comes with exploring nature at its best in a cheaper and a much fun experience. A mountaineering group from Sto. Tomas hosted a 1st Caving Exploration in Kapalong Davao del Norte. This event made me understand what and how spelunking is all about. Thanks to Layao Adventurist assisted by Kibalaug Outdoor Club for hosting this event along with the Tourism Office of Sto. Tomas and of course Kapalong Tourism Office.

We were able to explore two caves the Alina Cave and Okbot Cave. I have to say, explore it for yourself and see how water shaped the beauty in darkness. Both caves have amazing formations and a little difficult trail. Well it's dark, slippery and one should be extra careful since you don't want to ruin a beauty that was shaped for million years in just a second.

Kudos to Kapalong Tourism, they are promoting tourism with awareness and extra care for these caves. One thing I really adore is they do this activity by providing many knowledgeable guides in one exploration. And of course ensure safety to tourist. Hoping for a more responsible spelunking though.

I want to go back and provide you photos of Okbot Cave maybe with a water proof camera. Finger's crossed!!!

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