Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hagimit Falls

Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines
It is past noon. As I decided to go straight to Hagimit Falls after my breathless climb and ride from Mount Putting Bato. I cannot explain why it took me this long to finally visit a nearby island's most visited tourist spot, Hagimit Falls. The road going to the falls has been developed by local government which makes it an easy 5 minutes ride from bus terminal. It is a long walk from the entrance to Hagimit rock spring but quite relaxing because of nature's ambiance. After reaching the end of the path walk, I am not that impress because I thought it is all that it can offer, until I roam around. Though it has been developed and a lot of cottages, bridges and even spa are built within the vicinity, the running water and its natural beauty is still preserve. Its waters are bluish and inviting. The strong current of water falling from the falls is simply saying "come take a swim". The swimming area does not have even depth that is why swimmers need to take extra precautions. The lower deck swimming area reaches up to 10 feet while the upper deck is up to 7 feet deep and its layer is higher than the one below. But not only that an interesting view and I call it soulful can be found just behind the cottages where the water is passing to a rain forest. It is a wide area of rock spring. A must see magical place.

Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines
Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines
Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines

Entrance Fee:
Environmental fee: 5 pesos
Children up to 7 years old: 20 pesos
8 years old up - (adult): 40 pesos
Express Bus Terminal, Peñaplata, Samal Island, Philippines

How to get here:
Ride Island City Bus Express from Magsaysay to Peñaplata Samal Island and then drop in Peñaplata Samal Island Pubic Market from there hire a single motorcycle (habal-habal) to Hagimit Falls. You can also drop in Island City Express Bus Terminal just in front of Central Warehouse and from there hire a single motorcycle to take you to Hagimit Falls.

Davao City to Peñaplata Samal Island Public Market: 40 pesos
Peñaplata Samal Island Public Market to Hagimit Falls: 25 pesos/head

Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines
Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines

Diving is not allowed...but maybe you can have that jump. :). It was to nice see a lot of foreign tourist having fun swimming and jumping...
Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines

Open Hut (with umbrella, table and chairs): 150 pesos
Close Cottage: 250 pesos
 Hagimit Falls, Samal Island, Philippines

Let us do our part in preserving this beauty, when we visit we have to take note of this sign; take nothing but pictures, live nothing but great memories and share this place to others.

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