Sunday, February 24, 2013

Looking Back: Amazing how time flies...

 A message from Yen of Kiyra woke me up late 9 PM, since my day became my night I don’t usually sleep the normal way. Anyway, she messaged me about the comment of Ma'am Juliet, a mother of the young girl I requested for a shot during DCNHS prom night. It was then I remember that this girl was my grade five student.

Oh, I did not recognize her since I was stunned. She looked so feminine, a young lady dressed with a nice gown that really fits her. She walked with confidence and really classy. She is beautiful and she was more beautiful that night. Her name is Josyl.

Four years ago, she was my grade five student. We have been together in math training and joked around during math competitions. Josyl was once a fun, energetic, boyish (the way she move), out spoken and a very intelligent girl.

Thanks to facebook, I really have a photographic memory. She was familiar that night but I could not spell her name. Thanks for her Mom, she was so nice and her comment made me smile and looked back. I felt sad I was not able to say hi and asked how she was…but really grateful, she was really nice to grant my request and smiled.

I realized, the kids I used to know four years ago have grown up. I am getting old, I miss everyone and I hope one day when I bump into them I could recognize them.

I scanned into my old files and gladly found photos of Josyl and her classmates. 


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