Saturday, April 27, 2013


Credit to my sister, I stole this photo from here album. I like how it brings back childhood memories. So I guess I miss messing with my camera…

Thirty pages before chapter 28: 

Love holds no boundaries. In this short life we are given the gift of free will- to lend a hand or just watch…to make choices that can make us better or bitter.

When you are given a chance to help and perhaps make a little change, do not hold back because of boundaries. Blessed are the person who takes one step in reaching out to those in need without asking something in return or thinking of their limitations. Difficulties may sometimes or oftentimes hinder us. But always remember, He is gracious and He sees you…

Just to think of it, selfless actions helped you think better and keep you away from miserable things. It even leads you to greater things in life beyond what you could imagine. Just be grateful and you’ll see it! 

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