Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Talking about inconveniences, variations of these what makes most people around a patient one freak out. It is like a virus that tends to eat good vibe during any itinerary. Since this patient one only have simple things in this world. No car and no extra loads of bucks to spend, buses are the one she can only have. 

Both in buses and other public utility vehicles, different drivers have displayed their passion towards driving and patient over the long road. And you can really admire those who care a lot on the lives they traveled with. The patient drivers are adorable. 

Dust and inconvenient stops are all part of the road, not to mention muscles cramps and anxiety. But you cannot have it all. No one owns all the inconvenience in this world. The reason why buses stayed strong in the long road it’s because there are patient people who love to make their travel time worthwhile. And it should be emphasized; patient people make most of its time rewarding.

Simple to great road sceneries are enough for you to savor the greatness and vastness of His creations. And you should not exchange that with any great inconvenience you felt. Seeing different faces, from how they look, their facial expression, how they act in a public utility buses are so interesting. They will make you feel more blessed if you will just dig deeper. Anxiety and muscles pains will just worsen if you keep on thinking about it. Appreciating every little detail that comes along the road will give you a much positive experience.

So, buses are my best friend. I treat them as my convenience whenever I am in the road. Not just because I can afford to ride in it but it gives me the best experience of finishing any song I have in mind while suppressing my excitement over any itinerary I have. It makes me see both the perfect and imperfections of any situation. And most of all, each ride makes me a better person. How? Why not try long road bus ride and see what I am talking about…

Be a blessing everyone, and remember it is just how you think over things that creates both inconvenience and its opposite. Thus, you have to be wise in choosing the healthy way of living life! Think right!

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