Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dream Like a CHILD

by Suzanne Zoglio, PhD
(From Create A Life That Tickles Your Soul)

Some stepping stones to dreams are small, Others are large and slick.
Some have rough and ragged edges, For your weary feet to grip.

Some are spaced so far apart Your legs will hardly reach.
Others nest atop each other, Like pebbles on a beach.

For some you'll need to leap with faith, On others, move with balance.
A few will take uncommon grace, For most.your skill and talent.

You know the way, so just begin. Then keep a steady pace.
Stretch and rest. and soon you'll see, You've reached your special place.
It’s good to be a child once again.

Dreams should be renewed every now and then. No matter how far it will take you to reach them just keep trying. I know sometimes it seems that there is now way to get there. But if it is really meant for you, surely you'll get there in time. Just do not forget the right ways in getting there because how you survive those triumphs on your way to fulfilling your dreams is far more important and satisfying than having it.

The poem above by Suzanne Zoglio inspires me to dream like a child. Yes, I remember how I look at things when I was a child. I don't mind how tomorrow will be. I was just having fun. Study my lessons, do my assignment, play hard and laugh the loudest. I spent time on looking the larva in the hay; sip the nectar of santan flower, run with friends, listen to the birds singing and sneak out of the window when my mama let me sleep in the afternoon. Yes those were the old good days when I don’t mind how time should be spent to fulfil what I want to be.

Things were simple yet it gives so much contentment. It is good to dream like a child again. Keeping it slow and not rushing, savor every moment life brings while getting there, looking at every colors than surrounds us, appreciating every little act of kindness and sharing your best smile to anyone.

No wonder why Jesus loves children and they are so special for Him. :)

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