Saturday, April 4, 2015

Pro Dive Davao: My 2nd Scuba Dive

PRO DIVE DAVAO is a young, progressive company based in Davao City offering scuba diving, island hopping and intro dives. Their intro dive package is 999 pesos inclusive of food(lunch, snacks and candies), certificate, photos and free use of diving gears and snorkeling. And you dive by pair with one master diver. This company is true to its offer of a hassle free adventure, they provide everything you need on board.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Phil-Nippon Technical College Inc. Padada Davao del Sur

I had a short visit to Tomikawa City in Padada Davao del Sur to inquire in Phil-Nippon Technical College Inc. Since I am not qualified to any courses they offered I just had a look in this beauty.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mount Crocodile, Padada Davao del Sur

Mount Crocodile is located in Brgy. Piape, Padada Davao del Sur. It is formerly known as Piape Hill and Itakura Hill. The name comes from the form of mountain range as viewed from above. It was declared as the Municipal's Ecotorism and Reservation Area by the Local Government of Padada.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Mount Balusong, Falel, Kiamba Saranggani Province

Sunrise at Mount Balusong
I had the chance to join the 4th Eco Trek Event hosted by Team Bundol in Sitio Falel, Kiamba Saranggani Province. It was their 4th trekking activity for a cause. 

The event was supported by the Local Government Unit of Saranggani Province and participated by mountaineers from different places. I was totally amazed with scenery of SocSarGen. Since it was a long travel to Kiamba from General Santos City, my soul was fully loaded with beautiful landscapes. Indeed, it is a must visit SocSarGen.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Caving Exploration in Kapalong Davao del Norte

Alina Cave
The glory of joining any mountaineering event comes with exploring nature at its best in a cheaper and a much fun experience. A mountaineering group from Sto. Tomas hosted a 1st Caving Exploration in Kapalong Davao del Norte. This event made me understand what and how spelunking is all about. Thanks to Layao Adventurist assisted by Kibalaug Outdoor Club for hosting this event along with the Tourism Office of Sto. Tomas and of course Kapalong Tourism Office.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Looking for that Trail Sign

Literally tired… I have been listening to the same song for days now. I wish in my next try, I could see a trail sign of a safe green signal that says it is going to be it.

Though I keep on asking, what’s the use of letting them know who you are, yet it’s too unbelievable for them to see your intentions. I have been wondering why things are really hard. I believe in the goodness of everything, done my best to become a better person that I could be, but still it feels like a long journey before reaching its peak.

Maybe there is no way those dreams would come into reality. Tangled moments are two way a fantasy. I hope one day I could wake up in a better place where everything I have are the best things I wanted to have in my yesterday. Going on in my days though I need to a ...Sign-off again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Baktas Busay Lapis ug Papel Part 2

Baktas Busay Lapis ug Papel Part 2 was an advocacy climb organized by AndicoOutdoors with the help of WOWOK Mountaineers to reach out to the children of Mount Sicao.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sitio Utan Tamayong

Sunrise at Sitio Utan, an hour or two walk from Sitio Sicao, Tamayong, Davao City, a village near Mount Talomo.

A question that pops to my friend's mind...

Is this experience can equal the worth of our lives?

- I said NO… it was a long journey, I almost passed out and tried another night trek for the second time. I feared for every cliff I passed and slippery rocks I stepped on. But in every struggle He never fails to send His angels. I can’t thank God enough for letting me wake up to this sunrise. It is a new day, new experience I survived and new friends. 

This will not equal the worth of my life…but I can’t hide in a corner forever. This is life, we need to live and He will do the rest.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Kabogaw Island: Driftwood

“God loves us not because we are good. But that God will make us good because He loves us. Just as the roof of the greenhouse does not attack the sun because it is bright, but becomes bright because the sun shines on it.” - CS Lewis